Document Details - Normative Requirements for Time and Time Scales - Concept Paper

Document Details
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Title Normative Requirements for Time and Time Scales - Concept Paper
Name Normative Requirements for Time and Time Scales - Concept Paper (46K)
Description No description provided.
Document State Final (Released for distribution.)
Group / Folder ISO TC20/SC14 WG3 / Meeting Notes
Submitter By Dr. David Finkleman on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 02:38pm
Technical Contact None Selected
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Time Intervals and Time Scales

Open Date: 2011-06-25 13:00:00 America/Los_Angeles

Should WG3 submit for SC14 approval the concept paper and Form 4 for this subject?

The charter of the ITU will be reviewed at the forthcoming World Radio Council (Feb 2012). The ITU may have to relinquish responsibility for the definition of the UTC time scale, leaving no normative authority. The atomic second based on frequencies of radiation of hyperfine energy transitions of the Cesium 133 atom is the de-facto...

* Time Intervals and Time Scales Ballot (Document) 2011-07-15 details


The objective of this proposal is to establish normative guidance for time intervals and time scales. This is invigorated by recent actions from the ITU World Radio Conference in which proposals to modify UTC were deferred because there was insufficient analysis or guidance to justify changing or not.

Owner: Dr. David Finkleman

Dr David Finkleman 2012-03-22 18:06 UTC
This was balloted several months ago, before the World Radio Conference. No one voted! Now it is imperative. Documents are uploaded on KAVI
* Time Action Item (Document) 2012-03-22 No Access